Home » UNCW Scholarships: Honors Scholarship 2024/2025 Application

UNCW Scholarships: Honors Scholarship 2024/2025 Application

UNCW Scholarships

As the saying goes, “Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world.”

These words by Nelson Mandela perfectly encapsulate the essence of the Honors scholarship program under UNCW Scholarships.

The objective of this article is to provide detailed information on the Honors scholarship program and guide you on how to apply and secure the scholarship.

So don’t be in a hurry as you will get the information you seek. Without wasting much time let’s begin.

Why choose an Honors scholarship?

Honors College at UNCW recognizes that financial constraints should never stop students from pursuing their academic aspirations.

With this in mind, the Honors College awards scholarships based on both merit and financial need to incoming honors students.

This allows talented individuals to fully experience the Honors College while alleviating the burden of financial constraints.

The Honors scholarship program opens doors to opportunities that might otherwise be out of reach, empowering students to excel academically and make a positive difference in the world.

Overview of Honors Scholarship

The Honors Scholarship Program offers a range of scholarship opportunities to both incoming and continuing students.

Many Honors scholarships are renewable for all four years, providing long-term financial stability to students pursuing an Honors education.

Unlike some scholarship programs that focus solely on first-year students, the Honors College strives to award scholarships across all four years.

This approach ensures that recipients can continue to receive support as they progress through their academic journey.

Benefits of Securing Honors Scholarship

Securing an honors scholarship brings numerous benefits that extend beyond financial assistance.

These scholarships serve as a validation of a student’s academic excellence, recognizing their hard work and dedication.

Moreover, honors scholars gain access to a supportive community of like-minded people who are equally passionate about intellectual growth and personal development.

This network of peers and mentors provides invaluable guidance, allowing scholars to thrive academically and make the most of their college experience.

honors scholarship

Types of Scholarships under the Honors Scheme

The Honors scholarship program encompasses two main categories: scholarships for freshmen and scholarships for continuing students.

  • Scholarship for Freshmen: The Honors College offers a range of scholarships specifically designed for incoming freshmen.

These scholarships are a means of attracting exceptional students to join the Honors program.

The eligibility criteria for these scholarships typically include high academic achievement, leadership potential, and extracurricular involvement.

  • Scholarship for Continuing Students: The Honors College also extends its scholarship opportunities to continuing students who have demonstrated outstanding performance in their academic pursuits and are actively involved in the Honors College.

These scholarships serve as a recognition of their ongoing dedication and provide financial support to help them excel further.

Scholarship Awarding and Requirements

Awarding scholarships within the Honors College is a holistic process that takes into account many factors.

These include financial need, academic excellence, and involvement with the Honors College for upperclassmen.

By considering a wide range of criteria, the Honors College ensures that deserving students receive the support they need to succeed.

Over 40% of Honors students at UNCW are fortunate enough to receive scholarship funding from the university and/or the Honors College.

Donors play a crucial role in supporting Honors students through their generous contributions.

Their scholarships are specifically allocated to benefit Honors students, making a significant impact on their educational journey.

In addition to scholarships awarded directly by the Honors College, students might also receive scholarship offers alongside their offers of admission to UNCW.

Requirements to Receive and Maintain Scholarships from Honors

To be eligible for the honors scholarship award, candidates must fulfill some requirements.

These standards ensure that scholarships are granted to students who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement and maintain their commitment to learning and growth.

The following criteria typically apply to receiving and maintaining honors scholarships:

  • Complete the UNCW Scholarship Application by March 1st annually.

Students need to submit their application before the given deadline to be considered for the honors scholarship award.

  • Be in good standing with Honors and the University:

Candidates must maintain their academic performance and adhere to the university’s code of conduct to remain eligible for the scholarship.

  • Maintain a minimum GPA of 3.5:

Scholars are expected to maintain a high academic standard, reflecting their dedication to excellence.

  • No disciplinary actions outstanding:

Students should have a clean disciplinary record, demonstrating their commitment to the values and integrity upheld by the university.

  • Continuation in Honors:

Scholars need to take Honors courses regularly to demonstrate their dedication to their academic journey.

Honors Scholarships Available For UNCW Students

Different honors scholarships are available to students accepted into the Honors College.

These scholarships are bestowed upon individuals based on their merit, ensuring that the most deserving students receive the financial support they need.

Let’s take a closer look at some of these prestigious awards:

  • The James Leutze Scholarship:

The James Leutze Scholarship is specially designed for North Carolina students.

This scholarship not only provides financial assistance but also offers the chance to be designated as a “Leutze Scholar.”

To be considered eligible, candidates must undergo an interview process and showcase their exceptional qualities and dedication to academics.

  • The Aaron and Elizabeth Silverman Scholarship Fund:

The Aaron and Elizabeth Silverman Scholarship Fund aims to support academically strong students in the Honors College.

This scholarship provides in-state tuition and fee scholarships and grants recognition to individuals who have excelled in their studies in accredited North Carolina high schools.

Both prospective and current students may be eligible for this award.

  • The Faculty Merit Scholarship:

The Faculty Merit Scholarship recognizes outstanding scholars within the Honors College who have demonstrated exceptional academic achievement.

Recipients of this scholarship are designated as “Faculty Scholars,” and it serves as a testament to their dedication and commitment to their studies.

  • The Porter Honors Scholarship in Business:

The Cameron School of Business offers the Porter Honors Scholarship to students aspiring to pursue a degree in business.

This scholarship not only eases the financial burden of tuition fees but also recognizes the potential of exceptional students striving for success in the field of business.

  • The Two Friends Scholarship:

The Kenneth Ray Sumner ITS Merit Scholarship is a remarkable opportunity established by the Information Technology Systems Division at UNCW.

This merit scholarship is exclusively available to students in the Honors College, providing them with financial support to pursue their academic goals.

Honors Scholarship Selection Criteria

The Honors College takes multiple considerations into account when awarding scholarships. Let’s take a closer look at each criterion:

1. Submission of Scholarship Application:

The first step in the application process is submitting the scholarship application.

It is important to note that the application opens on December 1st and has a priority deadline of March 1st each year.

Therefore, incoming first-year students should make sure to apply early before the deadline to receive an admissions decision in time for the scholarship application.

2. Good Standing in Honors:

For upperclassmen, being in good standing in Honors is a key factor in the selection process.

This includes maintaining a high GPA and completing honors courses, among other requirements.

On the other hand, incoming first-years are assessed based on general high marks in high school, such as GPA and class rank.

3. Financial Need:

The Honors College also takes into consideration the financial need of applicants.

This information is reported through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Demonstrating financial need can enhance your chances of receiving an honors scholarship.

4. Other Scholarships or Awards:

The scholarship committee gives priority to students who are not already receiving additional scholarships or awards.

This ensures that as many students as possible have the opportunity to benefit from the honors scholarships.

5. Student Involvement:

Student involvement in extracurricular activities, leadership positions, volunteer service, and undergraduate research plays a significant role in the selection process.

Honors College values well-rounded individuals who actively contribute to their community and engage in meaningful experiences.

Honors Scholarship Worth

Now that you are aware of the criteria for selecting honors scholarship recipients, let’s discuss the worth of these scholarships.

The general philosophy of the Honors College is to award as many students as possible each year.

While a handful of donor awards provide coverage for in-state tuition, the majority of scholarships are smaller in value, typically ranging from $1,000 to $2,000.

It’s important to note that the award funding varies from year to year.

However, the Honors College strives to support its students financially and provide opportunities for academic and personal growth.

Frequently asked questions and answers on Honors scholarship

Can I receive other UNCW Scholarships and also secure Honors scholarships?
Yes, it is possible to receive other UNCW scholarships while also securing an Honors scholarship.

However, it’s important to note that the scholarship committee pays more attention to students who are not already receiving any scholarship aid at the time of application.

This means that if you have other scholarships, it may decrease your chances of receiving an Honors scholarship.

Must I enroll in the University of North Carolina Wilmington before I can receive an Honors scholarship?
Yes, the Honors scholarship at UNCW is exclusively for students already enrolled at the University of North Carolina Wilmington.

This scholarship is aimed at recognizing and supporting the academic achievements and potential of current UNCW students.

If you’re not yet enrolled at UNCW, you would need to apply and be accepted to the university before being considered for an Honors scholarship.

Can I lose my Honors scholarship at UNCW?
Yes, it is possible to lose your Honors scholarship at UNCW under certain circumstances.

Generally, you will need to maintain a minimum GPA of 3.5 requirements to continue receiving the scholarship.

If your GPA falls below the specified threshold, you may risk losing your Honors scholarship.

Additionally, if you engage in conduct that goes against the university’s code of conduct or violates the terms of the scholarship, it can result in the loss of your scholarship.

It’s important to familiarize yourself with the requirements and guidelines of the Honors scholarship to ensure its continuation.


If you are a student of the University of North Carolina Wilmington, Honors scholarships need no introduction to you because it has become a popular financial aid to both fresh and continuing students.

Even though the scholarship’s worth is not that huge, it will go a long way to settle some of your financial problems.

Once you are admitted to UNCW you are automatically eligible to apply for this Scholarship.

The keynote is that you should apply for admission at UNCW early enough so that you receive your admission before you proceed to the honors scholarships.

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