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Beyond The Boroughs Scholarship: Application Requirements

Beyond The Boroughs Scholarship

Imagine a world where access to higher education is not limited to the privileged few, but instead, becomes a reality for all hardworking, low-income students.

Tutan Reyes, the founder of Beyond The Boroughs Scholarship, envisions just that. He believes that giving in ways that make a difference should not be reserved for a select group of individuals any more than attending college should be.

Through his scholarship program, Reyes aims to level the playing field and provide opportunities for those who need it the most.

Tutan Reyes approaches the Beyond The Boroughs Scholarship program with the same level of dedication and commitment that he displayed throughout his career as a professional football player in the NFL.

Recognizing the importance of philanthropy and its potential to transform lives, Reyes sought the guidance of an experienced philanthropic advisor before starting the scholarship fund.

This ensured that the program would have a meaningful impact on the young scholarship recipients.

Beyond The Boroughs Scholarship Worth

The Beyond The Boroughs Scholarship provides each student with up to $20,000 over four years. This amount is distributed as a maximum of up to $5,000 per year, renewable each year for all four years.

This financial support not only covers tuition fees but also includes funds for other educational expenses such as books, supplies, and living expenses. By alleviating the financial burden, the scholarship allows students to focus on their studies and fully immerse themselves in the college experience.

When to Apply For Beyond The Boroughs Scholarship

Prospective recipients of the Beyond The Boroughs Scholarship can apply before the start of their freshman year or at any time during their undergraduate studies.

This provides flexibility for students who may not have been aware of the scholarship during their first year or who may face unforeseen financial challenges later in their college journey.

The program is designed to support students throughout their entire undergraduate experience, ensuring that they have the resources they need to succeed.

Beyond The Boroughs

Beyond The Boroughs Scholarship Application Requirements

We will talk about the application requirements for this esteemed scholarship program and provide you with valuable insights on how to apply successfully.

Acceptance to an Accredited Four-Year Institution:

To be eligible for the Beyond The Boroughs scholarship, one of the primary requirements is acceptance into an accredited four-year college, university, or equivalent.

This means that you must have received an official acceptance letter from an institution recognized by Beyond The Boroughs.

Make sure you have this important document handy before proceeding with your application.

Low-Income Household:

The Beyond The Boroughs scholarship aims to support students from low-income households who face financial barriers when it comes to pursuing higher education.

To meet this requirement, you must be able to demonstrate that your family’s income falls within the specified criteria. Be prepared to provide documentation or proof of income to support your application.

G.P.A. of 2.5 or Higher:

Maintaining good academic standing is essential to be considered for the Beyond The Boroughs scholarship. You must have a minimum Grade Point Average (G.P.A.) of 2.5 or higher to be eligible.

This requirement reflects the scholarship program’s commitment to supporting students who strive for excellence in their studies.

Involvement in Extracurricular Activities or Work:

Beyond academics, Beyond The Boroughs values well-rounded individuals who are actively involved in extracurricular activities or work.

Participation in such activities showcases your commitment, leadership skills, and ability to manage responsibilities outside of the classroom. Whether you are a member of a club or sports team, or have work experience, be sure to highlight your involvement in your application.

Completion of Full Application:

To apply for the Beyond The Boroughs scholarship, you are required to complete a thorough application process. This includes filling out the application form, providing necessary personal and academic information, and submitting additional documents.

One essential component of the application is your Student Aid Report (SAR) from either the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the CSS Profile. These reports help assess your financial need and aid in the selection process.

How to Apply for Beyond The Boroughs Scholarship

Applying for the Beyond the Boroughs scholarship is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to increase your chances of success:

  • Visit the official website of Beyond The Boroughs at beyondtheboroughs.org and create a profile.
  • Complete your profile by providing accurate and up-to-date information about yourself.
  • Fill out the online application form thoroughly, ensuring that you provide all the required details.
  • Submit your application before the specified deadline. Late submissions are not accepted.
  • After submitting your application, patiently wait for a response from Beyond The Boroughs. Be sure to regularly check your email for any updates.

Beyond The Boroughs Scholarship Worth:

Let’s shed light on the key benefit that awaits successful Beyond The Boroughs applicants – a staggering $20,000 scholarship.

This generous financial assistance aims to ease the burden of education expenses and enable students to focus entirely on their academic and personal growth.

Beyond The Boroughs Scholarship Coverage

Apart from its impressive monetary value, the Beyond The Boroughs Scholarship provides coverage that goes beyond tuition fees.

This comprehensive support encompasses various aspects of a student’s life, ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder their pursuit of education.

Tuition Fees: The scholarship covers the entirety of tuition fees, relieving students of this significant financial burden.

Housing: Beyond The Boroughs understands the importance of a safe and comfortable living environment.

Hence, the scholarship offers housing support to eligible students, ensuring they have a conducive place to study and grow.

Textbooks and Supplies: Beyond The Boroughs Scholarship goes the extra mile by providing financial aid for textbooks and other necessary educational supplies.

This alleviates the financial stress of purchasing expensive course materials, enabling students to focus on their studies.

Transport: Commuting expenses can quickly add up, making education seem out of reach. With Beyond The Boroughs Scholarship, transportation costs are covered, ensuring students can attend classes without worrying about financial constraints.

By providing such extensive coverage, Beyond The Boroughs Scholarship paves the way for an educational experience free from financial worries, propelling students toward success.

Beyond The Boroughs Scholarship Application Date and Deadline

The Beyond The Boroughs Scholarship application process follows a specific timeline to ensure fairness and efficiency. Here are the key dates you need to mark on your calendar:

  • Application Start Date: 6th January
  • Application Deadline: 15th March
  • Winner Announcement: 15th June, 2024

Remember, punctuality is essential while applying for this life-changing opportunity. Ensure you submit your application within the stipulated time frame to maximize your chances of securing the Beyond The Boroughs Scholarship.


Is Beyond The Boroughs Scholarship Renewable?

Yes, the Beyond The Boroughs Scholarship is indeed renewable. Students who are awarded this scholarship for their undergraduate programs can benefit from its renewal for up to four years.

Each year, the scholarship amount is spread evenly across the four years with $5000 being awarded per year.

How Does Beyond The Boroughs Scholarship Renewal Work?

Once you have been selected as a recipient of the Beyond the Boroughs Scholarship, you have the opportunity to renew your scholarship annually by meeting some requirements.

While the specific requirements may vary, typical criteria for renewal may include:

Maintaining a Good Academic Standing: This generally means that you must maintain a satisfactory grade point average (GPA) throughout your undergraduate program.

While the exact GPA requirement may differ from year to year, it is essential to stay focused on your studies and aim for academic excellence.

Full-Time Enrollment: To be eligible for scholarship renewal, you are typically required to be enrolled as a full-time student.

This means taking a minimum course load as specified by your educational institution. Make sure you are aware of the credit requirements at your school and plan your schedule accordingly.

Progress Towards Degree Completion: It is crucial to demonstrate progress towards completing your degree. This may involve meeting specific credit-hour milestones or completing a certain number of courses each year.

Be sure to consult with your academic advisor to ensure you are on track to fulfill degree requirements.

Timely Submission of Renewal Documents: To maintain your scholarship, you will often be asked to submit renewal documents on time.

These may include updated transcripts, a personal statement, or any other required documentation specified by the scholarship provider. Keep track of deadlines and make sure to submit all necessary paperwork promptly.


The Beyond The Boroughs scholarship offers students from low-income households an incredible opportunity to pursue their higher education dreams.

By meeting the application requirements, including acceptance into an accredited institution, demonstrating financial need, maintaining a satisfactory academic record, and showcasing extracurricular involvement, you can increase your chances of receiving this prestigious scholarship.

Follow the steps mentioned to complete your application successfully.

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